Wednesday, February 4, 2009

wondering on wednesday

for a while i've wanted to start reading more...

does reading blogs count for that?!

or does it have to be actual books...because if it is books, then i am doing a terrible job at reading more...

and speaking of terrible jobs, i'm also doing a terrible job at posting every day this month...sorry...i lied...but i do promise to try harder...


Anonymous said...

I like that you are going to try harder....=)

Books...well, our dear friend Gene just insisted that I read the Twlight, I am currently reading the first one. It is not educational, in any way. It will not bring you closer to the Lord, at all. BUT, it is a fun , easy read that is enjoyable. Let's face it...if Gene and I both like it- you have no choice- you have to. =)


Unknown said...

Can't wait to see you in 20 days!

Lane Moore said...

I say blogs count!