Tuesday, January 29, 2008

X Games 12

the x games have come and gone...

...and i loved every minute of it.

i just can't get enough of this kind of thing...

boarder x...snocrosss...superpipe...

it's like heaven, with snow!

maybe one day i will have an opportunity to work with these athletes...

Sunday, January 27, 2008


have you seen it yet?!?

Friday, January 25, 2008


i admit it...

i am totally addicted to reality tv shows...

...the dumber they are, the more i like them.

how sad it that?!?


i'm slowly trying to eliminate them from my life...

but it is so hard...so, so hard...

why? WHY do i love them so much????

i mean, honestly, what is so great about them???

i get so wrapped up in these other people's lives...i feel like i know them...like we're friends...

but sadly, these people have no idea who i am. i am not friends with heidi klum or tim gunn on "project runway"...and stacy and clinton don't help me go shopping like they do to other badly dressed people on "what not to wear"...and parisa did not ask my advice about whether or not trisha should be sent home from "real world- sydney"...and i am not a contestant on "american gladiators" that hundreds of millions of people are cheering for from their living rooms...

for now, i will just try to conquer this addiction...curb my cravings...overcome my obsession...cut back little by little...

(but just between you and me, i am not trying too hard...)

Monday, January 14, 2008

When It Rains, It Pours

Why does it seem like everything decides to go wrong at the same time?

I know this is dramatic and not really true...but sometimes it sure feels like it.

Recently my family and friends have had to deal with some tough situations...

I'd like to ask all my blog friends to remember these people in your prayers. I don't usually do this sort of thing, but I feel like I just have to...

-my grandma (on my dad's side of the family) is currently undergoing radiation and chemo for bladder cancer...
-my other grandma (on my mom's side of the family) is fighting congestive heart failure...
-my uncle virgil if fighting liver and stomach cancer...we just found out that with the rate it is progressing, he may only have a few months left with us...
-my neighbor, reggie, was in a hunting accident this weekend and may lose his foot. his 8 year old son was with him and saw the whole thing...
-my dad's employee, mark, had an accident today with a weed eater which lacerated his forearm and fractured his ulna and radius...

i know that the Lord is sovereign, but that doesn't always make the tough times any easier.

thank you for your prayers...

For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways,"
declares the LORD.
As the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts.
Isaiah 55:8-9

Monday, January 7, 2008

BIG day!

today is a very important day for me...

it is the first day of softball at UC! it is the first time i get to meet all the girls...i am SO nervous!!

it is going to be a very interesting season...


pray for me and my girls!

Sunday, January 6, 2008

One more thought...

...ok so after watching the show a little more, i might not be able to compete on American Gladiators...

...but i could have a chance as the show's athletic trainer!! i definitely think i would be in high demand...


American Gladiators

is anyone else as excited about this being back on tv as i am?!?!?

i mean, really, who didn't love American Gladiators?

i always wanted to be on the show...maybe now i'll have a chance!! haha!

it was my favorite show back in the day...and i'm sure it will quickly regain the title as favorite...

i am SO pumped!!!!! WOOOO HOOOO!

Friday, January 4, 2008

I Love Layers

so i may have mentioned before that it's been cold in jacksonville lately...

ok, so it's not as cold as it has been...but it's still pretty dang cold...

tonight i had to work the boys' and girls' soccer games...


for those of you that know me pretty well, you know that i always wear at least one layer. well tonight, multiple layers were required...

Layer 1: puffy UNF jacket

Layer 2: sweatshirt

Layer 3: fleece jacket

Layer 4: long sleeve t-shirt

Layer 5: short sleeve t-shirt

Layer 6: under armor

Layer 7: wind pants

Layer 8: gloves

there were more layers, but in order to keep the pictures PG, i decided it was best to stop there...

good thing about wearing 8+ layers when it is cold outside: staying warm
bad thing about wearing 8+ layers when it is cold outside: looking like the michelin tire man (i couldn't even put my arms down against my side!)

i would definitely have to say that it is worth sacrificing mobility and style for warmth...and that is just what i did!

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Not Cool...

well, actually, it's freezing...it is now 26 degrees!


Wednesday, January 2, 2008


I currently cannot feel my toes...

It is 9:37 pm and 32 degrees outside (but feels like 21 degrees)...and dropping!!

Just for the record, I am NOT ok with that!!! I don't handle cold weather very well...

Tomorrow morning, when the low is estimated to be 16 degrees, I will not be a happy camper...
...no, not one bit...

But I guess I shouldn't complain...we don't get cold weather very often and it never stays very long...

I just hope I can survive through the night and through the day and especially through tomorrow night's soccer games!!!

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year!

it is 2008...

where did 2007 go???