Sunday, May 18, 2008


and getting busier!

things are crazy right now...spring football is in full is quickly approaching (less then 2 weeks!) for a triathalon...all the end of the school year activities...planning for moldova...

i am flat wore out!

but very excited! i love summer and everything that goes with it! this is going to be a busy one...stay tuned for all of the excitement!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

2 years

isn't is crazy how time can go by so quickly and so slowly at the same time?

two years ago today i lost one of my best friends. losing someone you love is never easy. colby hayes will always be loved and never be forgotten. here is video from his website...colby was passionate about speaking and sharing what the Lord was teaching him. the legacy he left behind will continue to live on. the lives he impacted, forever changed...the God he served, forever glorified.

thank you Lord for sharing him with us, even though we wish it could have been longer...

can't wait to see you again, colby!

tabby jane

i woke up this morning...

...and saw my cousin on tv!!!

check her out in the new paramore video...she appears about 2 minutes into the video...blonde hair, green jacket!

i love this band...and i love tabby more!!

this totally made my morning!! check it out...

Friday, May 9, 2008

i love technology

it never ceases to amaze me. what we have the capability to do is beyond belief...and by we, i mean other people besides me, because i am completely technologically inept...

...but anyway, what has blown me away this time is a live feed from phil wickham's concert tonight in portland, oregon. it is being broadcasted from his blog. who knew blogs could do this?!

seriously though, how incredibly cool is that?! i can sit in my bed, in my pajamas, and listen and watch his concert as it is happening...

i mean, really?! dang...

thanks to annie (and her fabulously entertaining blog) for sharing this incredible technological event.

what will they come up with next???

Monday, May 5, 2008

stan the man

i have a new friend.

i named him stanley.

he is a wood stork that has recently taken up residence at our pond.

he's just one of the many wild animals that lives around the overlook.

here's a picture of one of stanley's relatives...

who wouldn't want a bird like that hanging around their pond?

Friday, May 2, 2008

much better


i'm feeling much better about life now...

...hopefully no more mini breakdowns at work!!!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

no bueno

so, i've decided that there are a few things i don't like very much...

...dumb rules,
frustrating people,
dumb corporate policies,
and crying in public...

needless to say, not my favorite day at work...

but overall, it is still the greatest place to work in the whole world...

thanks casey, aimee, renata, lynn, and linda!