Sunday, February 1, 2009

happy february!

i've decided it's time i blog more...and since it's the start of a new month, it seemed logical for me to start today! my goal is to post every day this month!!

january was an exceptionally busy month in my life...which is just one of the many excuses i could come up with for not posting more regularly!

work has been crazy! we've lost a PT and gained a PT in the clinic in january, making us be a little more flexible with our schedules. but we're very excited about the new addition to our team! the school has kept me very busy...bouncing between the winter sports, girls and boys basketball and soccer, and wrestling, and the spring sports starting up, baseball, and softball! winter sports are wrapping up though (woo woo!) track is just starting too! the softball team is looking much more promising this season (thank goodness)! our first game is february 10...ahhh!

i went to a day continuing education coference in orlando saturday. it was lots of fun to see old friends...some i planned on seeing and others a pleasant surprise! i learned a lot of interesting things about functional training and the got lots of great FREE stuff!!

lauren and i have been diligently training for our marathon, which is two weeks away from today! AHHHHH! we ran 24.4 miles last week and didn't die, so we're thinking we might actually survive the entire 26.2 miles on race day! i'm getting more and more excited/scared the closer it gets!

i've also taken on a new job at access church, upstreet coach! this means that every 2nd and 4th sunday of the month i help facilitate our program for elementary age students. it has been SO fun...and exhausting! the kids are great and my small group leaders are phenomenal! because of the transition from waumba land to upstreet, i've not been able to attend normal services this year. we have moved to a bigger room and now meet in the lazarra theater at unf. today was my first sunday in there and i loved it! it is so exciting to see access grow! i'm so glad to get to be a part of it!

well, that's just a little bit of what has been happening in my life lately! check back tomorrow for more!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I thought you were going to post everyday. You get my hopes up and then crush them. =( I am very very sad. BUT I hope you are having a good day!! I am at home coughing my head off!!!

Love ya!! CC