Friday, November 21, 2008

lots to do!

this is going to be a SUPER busy weekend...

- today: first round of play-offs for football in Orlando
- tomorrow: fly out at 5:40 am for jason and bekah's wedding in louisiana, wedding at 2 pm
- Sunday: fly home, see mom and dad, sleep?!

i can't wait! hopefully i'll survive it all!


Msha said...

I'll try to sleep an extra hour tomorrow to help you out. That's what friends are for. haha

By the way, I think your owl obsession has always been there-just hidden. I mean, your blog name is HOOTY hoo :)

Jeremy and Laura McBryar said...

How was the wedding??? Oh and Marsha, I think you are right, the obsession has always be there... but I can't help it if I'm an enabler.

Stacy said...

Your comment....very funny! Missed seeing you today at church! Were you there?! :0)