Saturday, October 24, 2009


i'm currently sitting at first two exercise classes did not show up...keeping my fingers crossed that the last class will come!

so far, while i've sat here i have...
- caught up on all the latest and important celebrity news by reading the newest people magazine, cover to cover.
- checked all my email accounts...and had no new emails!!
- made a few changes to my layout (not very different from the old)...changed the color scheme...pretty exciting, eh?
- caught up on everyone's blogs

and now i'm pretty much out of things to do!

what do you do when you're bored???

since i originally posted i have also:
- been 0 for 3 in people showing up for the exercise class i was supposed to teach! boo!
- created a fall conditioning plan for the softball team
- made a new form for patient charts to use at work
- talked to my mom
- flipped through the new TIME magazine
- checked my email about 25 more times...still no new mail!

i guess i'm keeping busy at being bored!

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