Wednesday, August 29, 2007


YOU speak without sound...YOUR love is so loud...YOU always save me...

Most of the time in life I have more questions than I ever do answers. It's frustrating...confusing...disheartening...

WHY can't I just know what is going to happen or WHY it's happening?

I don't think I'll ever understand WHY or be told why, but I am definitely learning the value in WAIT.

The theme of my life for the past few months has been wait. I have wanted to know why, asked why, prayed why, cried why...but the answer was then and has been lately, wait. Waiting has been so much more rewarding then why...but I don't usually see that until later.

This week we found out that my uncle has cancer...inoperable cancer. WHY? Why him? Why now? Why to our family? I will probably never know the answer to these questions, but what I do know is that God is in control. He has already revealed Himself through the whole situation. And He will be glorified through it. Knowing that is enough. He will sustain us. He works all things for the good...I'm glad that He is who my hope and faith is in...

YOU speak without sound...YOUR love is so loud...YOU always save me...

1 comment:

Shannon said...

I know what it's like to wait for everything. It's definitely the theme of my life as well.
Waiting is something that takes work, lots of it! The frustration and confusion is sometimes overwhelming, enough to make you doubt why you are waiting. But I know, I just know that all our patience will pay off and it will make us stronger. I just have to remind myself that everyday, a few times a day...haha

We can wait and hope together. The answers are only a few prayers away:)