Sunday, September 24, 2006

shout out!

This blog goes out to Christy Davis...this one's for you, Criddy! :)

I apologize to those of you...all 3 or 4...who read my blog...for the long time between posts. I have tremendous internet problems en mi casa. I currently do not have the internet at all, making life most interesting...

Hopefully all my internet woes will be resolved as of Tuesday, between 8 and 11 am, when Mr. Comcast comes to fix things...

...until then, posts shall continue to be sporadic and dull...boooo


Anonymous said...

Kelli I read your blog and I'm your roommate for goodness sake! :) keep writing!

mcm said...

Hey, I read your blog too... Does anything else really matter?

Criddy said...

Dang right I got the shout out! WAHOO go me.

I love you friend!

Criddy said...

Dang right I got the shout out! WAHOO go me.

I love you friend!

And really Matt, glad to see you are practicing being humble!

kelli beth said...

how could i forget...thanks for reminding me are all that matters! ;)

Harrison said...

I read your blog ;)