Wednesday, August 9, 2006


do you ever just lie in bed, wishing you could go to sleep?

thoughts running through your brain, one after the other after the other...

why? why? why?

this is new for me. i usually have no trouble sleeping...

and i don't like this at all.

i can now sympathize with those people on the sleep medicine commercials...

not being able to fall asleep = no fun!

and it seems that these bouts of insomnia come at the most inopportune times!

here is my current thought...thanks to my dear friend cindy...
"I lie down and sleep; I wake again, because the Lord sustains me." Psalm 3:5

good night to you...

...and hopefully soon for me...


Harrison said...

mmm happens to me all the time. no fun at all. you know you're in trouble when you think, "what do i usually think of before i go to sleep?" lol

Criddy said...

Crazy Kelli, Oh It makes me happy that you have a blog.

How ya doing SKIPPER!

I've still got to find my own little name for you!

Christy Davis

kelli beth said...

CHRISTY! HELLLLLLLO my friend! so glad you found my blog! that makes my day! hope you're doing well! :) xoxo

mcm said...

I would guess that your inability to sleep at night comes from the fact that you cannot get ME out of your head. But, hey, I'm no expert. Just speculation.