Wednesday, August 9, 2006

JUST A liddle LIST

Things I currently L-O-V-E:

1. people reading and COMMENTING on my blog! wooo (Hooty) hoo!
2. being back at school?! (sorta...)
3. my big girl bed
4. getting flowers from people that mean a lot to me
5. red jumpsuit apparatus
6. pretzel crisps! YUM!
7. my tattoo
8. the X games (I wish they last longer then just a weekend...what a bummer....)
9. HANK! (the moose and Court's new puppy!)
10. Manford the Manatee and the cute old man, Joe, who wrote the book!

"This is the day the Lord has made; let us REJOICE and be glad in it." Psalm 119: 24


Anonymous said...

HEY!! Look I am doing your number one favorite thing.

kelli beth said...

thanks! :) (who is this?)

kelli beth said...

wait!? is it jeremy mcbryar?!?! :)

Criddy said...

So you may be Skipper to Court...but I think your going to be Scooter to me.

That fits!