Have you ever seen that movie? It was one of mine and Amber's favorites growing up. The little toaster and his friends embark on a journey to find their friend...he was so little, but oh so brave!
I wish that I was brave...I wish that I could just pick up and go...do something different...take a risk...be adventerous...
I have so many friends that are doing so many cool things- mission trips in other countries...jobs far from everything and everyone they know...
I guess I just often question whether or not I'm doing the right thing...am I missing out on what I'm really supposed to be doing? I know I'm still young, but part of me is afraid that I'm missing out...is there something else I should be doing? Or am I just playing it safe?
Do you ever feel this way?
If you could go anywhere or do anything, where would you go? What would you do?
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
the Brave Little Toaster
Sunday, September 9, 2007
A Few of My Favorite Things...
Just a few things that have made me happy this week...
1. sunsets
2. my new job (and the water delivery man at work!)
3. movie time with Jess
4. my blogging friends
5. new books
6. the cd player in my car magically working again
7. phone calls from good friends...some close by and some that are far away!
8. football
9. clean sheets and shaved legs
Saturday, September 8, 2007
It has happened again, and not the last time it will...
Two more of my friends became engaged this week!
CONGRATULATIONS to Sarah & Mike and Christy & Brandon!
Friday, September 7, 2007
His name...different
His style...unique
His album...incredibly original
His lyrics...unlike any other
One of my personal favorites on the album, goes a little bit like this...
Big girl, you are beautiful...
Walks in to the room
Feels like a big balloon
I said, "Hey girl, you are beautiful."
Diet Coke and a pizza please
Diet Coke and I'm on my knees
Screaming, "Big girl, you are beautiful!"
And the SuperWOW favorite, "Grace Kelly"...
i could be brown
i could be blue
i could be violet sky
i could be hurtful
i could be purple
i could be anything you like
gotta be green
gotta be mean
gotta be everything more
why dont you like me?
why dont you like me?
why dont you walk out the door?
It makes me want to "try to be like Grace Kelly....mmmmm....."
Thank you, Mika, for bring joy to my heart and a smile to my face!
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Just a thought...
Here are a couple of topics some friends and I have been discussing for a while...
I like what my friend had to say on her blog a few weeks ago...
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Here's another question I have been pondering... Why are people, guys in general, intimidated by girls who are independent?
My dad raised me to be an independent lady and to know how to take care of myself. He taught me all about my car and how to deal with situations, among other things. Girls who can hold their own or can carry on a conversation about football seems amazing to me. It's almost like a plus.
Needy, clingy and superficial girls doesn't seem appealing in my book! So why is that what most guys turn to?
Here's some advice to the all decent but clueless fellows out there...look around! Girls that care more about there shoes than their future isn't going to get you far in life. Think about what you really need in life instead of what looks pretty on paper. I bet your option will look a lot different!
Here is something another friend of mine said...
"A lot of guys are in relationships with gray areas. Why? Because they're afraid. Afraid of what? Committment. Why? They are afraid of breaking a girl's heart. Many feel like if they take any responsibility for a girl's heart, they have to marry it or else they'll hurt it..."
...not true at all...creating relationships with gray areas and not taking any responsibility for the relationship...that is hurtful. If boundaries are not crossed in relationships there never has to be a discussion of what that relationship is. Two people who are simply friends never feel the need to discuss that they are just that. But there seems to be a trend of Christians boys who get themselves into relationships with these gray areas, because they want to know exactly where that relationship is headed before they actually start the relationship...all under the pretense of "protecting the girls heart". In reality if they would be honest with themselves (and with the girl) there would be a lot less confusion, a lot less hurt and a lot more fun dating relationships. Dating can be fun. Boys- RELAX! IT IS OKAY TO LIKE A GIRL!! And more importantly...it is okay to actually DATE (yes, I said it..DATE) a girl without knowing that you are going to marry her. That is the whole point of dating!!! I have heard so many boys say "I want to marry the next girl I date". That is great in all, but WHO DOESN'T?!?!
Now, I know these are two different topics, but both have been on my heart lately.
Please hear me...this is not intended to be a guy- bashing post. In fact, I mean it as just the opposite. I just want guys to know how their actions can be percieved. I want them to know that it is ok to get to know a girl, date a girl even, not knowing if she is the one you're supposed to marry. Yes, date someone who has the qualities of someone you want to marry someday...but please, take some of the pressure off yourselves...I want guys to know that Christian girls love that they intend to guard our hearts and protect us and not want to hurt us. But also know that our hearts first belong to someone else...someone who will never leave it or forsake it...someone who loves it unconditionally...someone who loves it sacrificially...someone who's love is wider and deeper then anything we can ever imagine. And because of that, we are willing to take risks when it comes to relationships. We are willing to put our hearts out there, knowing that if it happens to get broken, it is fixable...nothing is ever damaged beyond His repair.
Monday, September 3, 2007
Psalm 91
"Because he loves me," says the Lord, "I will rescue him;
I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name.
He will call upon me, and I will answer him;
I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him.
With long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation."
Psalm 91:14-16